Unique Approach
The decade from 2000-2009 was a time of great challenge for many investors. Stagnant to low returns combined with an uncertain future outlook caused some to exit the markets for what appeared to be safer ground.
While no one can know with certainty what markets will do in the short run, it is possible to identify "bear" and "bull" secular markets by studying these cycles and the conditions which surround them.
Just as you might know when a season change is about to take place by falling leaves or emerging buds, the financial markets provide us clues about these "seasons" (called "bull" or "bear" secular markets). As students of these cycles, we have developed ways to identify the phase of the current cycle. More importantly, to our clients, we have researched various investment styles which are more suited to one phase of the cycle over another. It is this methodology which helps guide us so that we can better advise you.
Please contact us for more details on this approach.